“Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance ...” -- Bobby Kennedy
Angel Attitude starts with having an Attitude of Gratitude. Being grateful for something every day - no matter how big or small.
When one starts to realize how grateful they are even for the smallest things, that opens one's heart up go having an Attitude of Giving - whatever form that may take. And the ways to give are limited only by your imagination. It may be something as simple as a smile to a perfect stranger, a phone call to an old friend or loved one you haven’t spoken to in a long time, an email telling someone you are thinking of them - to volunteering at an animal shelter or donating something you sell on Ebay to your favorite charity, or clothes to the Salvation Army. The list is endless! And it doesn’t have to cost you anything - unless you want it to.
"Give me a place to stand," said Archimedes, "and I will move the world." We can too, but it all starts with a daily act of kindness to someone, to an animal, or to a group of people. Each day if we make an effort to do one nice thing for someone, even a perfect stranger - even if it’s just to open the door for someone at the store, or reach a high shelf at the grocery for someone who can’t, or walking a neighbor’s dog when they are ill - that tiny drop can create a ripple, and if we keep it up, suddenly kindness is raining down all around us, creating a mighty current of change.
Each of us has it in us to be an Angel to someone, or something. Few of us will have the greatness to bend history, but each of us can work to change a small piece in our own little universe, and then the total -- all of these acts -- will be written in the history of our generation, for together we can truly change the world.
Become an Angel with Attitude!
We would love to hear your ideas, thoughts, comments and even events as to what you are doing to become an Angel Without Wings. What did you do today that eased a burden, lightened a load, made someone feel better, helped make the world a better place to live in? What act of kindness did you share - even a smile to a perfect stranger, or donating clothes to a local charity?
As the site grows, we would love to post individual Angels who have done incredible acts of kindness for others or animals, and asked for nothing in return. People whose stories make us all feel better, and want to go out and do more for others. The “kindness of strangers” is incredibly powerful. These people have true Angel Attitude, and live their life by example.
Click here to nominate an “Angel Without Wings” - someone you know or heard about that has the Angel Attitude and is doing great things in the service of others or helping animals.
This song sums up Angel Attitude better than anything I've ever heard. Words to live by.